GGC Commences its Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. Alzheimer’s Research Initiative with Visit from Governor McMaster for a Ribbon-cutting Ceremony

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Greenwood, SC – As the Greenwood Genetic Center (GGC) embarks on its 50th year of pioneering medical genetics, the institution is set to make history this month with a ribbon-cutting ceremony that marks the launch of the Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. Alzheimer’s Initiative. South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster will attend and speak at the event to formally launch the initiative.

At the heart of this transformative initiative is the BioSpherix Xvivo System at GGC’s McAlhany Family Center for Collaborative Research in Greenwood. This cutting-edge technology will allow researchers to isolate mitochondria from healthy donor cells and deliver them to patients with deficits of energy production in the brain. This mode of therapy, referred to as Mitochondria Organelle Transplantation (MOTTM), was developed by MitoSense and has the potential to not only revolutionize Alzheimer’s treatment but also holds implications for pediatric patients with rare diseases of mitochondrial dysfunction.

GGC is the exclusive organization in South Carolina—and one of the few in the United States—with the capability to generate and distribute these isolated mitochondria for pre-clinical research studies and eventual clinical trials.

The Carroll A. Campbell, Jr. Alzheimer’s Initiative, backed by a $2 million allocation from the South Carolina state budget, represents a groundbreaking collaboration between GGC, MitoSense, and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This collaborative team will focus their efforts on cell- and animal-based studies to understand how transplanted mitochondria can enter damaged cells and restore their function.

“Over 95,000 individuals in South Carolina and nearly half a million American veterans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and we predict a 26.3% increase over the next two years,” said Mark Kindy, PhD, Senior Research Career Scientist at James A. Haley Veterans’ Hospital. “GGC, MitoSense, and the VA are partnering on this exciting project to help understand the mechanisms associated with Alzheimer’s and develop potential therapeutic approaches to treat this devastating disease.”

“The launch of this Alzheimer’s initiative marks a significant milestone in our journey towards understanding and combating neurodegenerative diseases,” said Van Hipp, Chairman of MitoSense. “This ribbon-cutting, made possible through generous state funding, is not just about opening doors to a new facility; it’s about unlocking the potential of groundbreaking research and turning it into actionable solutions.”

“The ribbon-cutting event marks a pivotal moment in our dedication to Alzheimer’s research,” said Director of GGC Dr. Steve Skinner. “The $2 million funding empowers us to explore groundbreaking approaches, and the acquisition of the BioSpherix Xvivo System is a testament to our commitment to advancing the development of treatments here in South Carolina.”

“It is an honor to be part of the upcoming ribbon-cutting event at Greenwood Genetic Center, a trailblazer of genetics in South Carolina and the cornerstone of our great state’s scientific and genetics community for 50 years,” said Governor McMaster. “The unveiling of the BioSpherix System marks a significant milestone in Alzheimer’s research and positions South Carolina as a leader in advancing this important science. I look forward to witnessing the impact of this new initiative and celebrating the continued success of Greenwood Genetic Center in the years to come.”

Media representatives are invited to attend this historic event at the McAlhany Family Center for Collaborative Research at the Greenwood Genetic Center campus on January 22, 2024, at 3 p.m.

Lucy's Story

When our daughter Lucy had a metabolic crisis at 7 days old, we were shocked and devastated to find out that she was born with a rare genetic disorder (MSUD). Her newborn screening results did not make it back in time to prevent the crisis, and no one at our local hospital was familiar with the disease. They did not know how to treat her. Calls were made to Greenwood Genetic Center to confirm her diagnosis and guide her care. Dr. Champaigne and Ami...

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