GGC Announces Gene Week Events


GREENWOOD, SC – The Greenwood Genetic Center will hold its annual ‘Gene Week’ celebrations from September 29 – October 6.

Gene Week, now in its third year, is a way for the Center to reach out to the community with special events and educational opportunities designed to create
awareness of genetic disorders and the Center’s impact on families around the world.

The kickoff to Gene Week is the 5th annual Jammin’ for Genes Barbeque and Music Lawn Festival on Saturday, September 29 from 6-8pm. Attendees will enjoy the music of Greenwood’s own Bad Weather States along with barbecue, an art show, drink
and dessert vendors, antique cars, and a silent auction. The Gene Machine mobile science lab will also be open for tours and activities. Tickets are
$20 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under.

On Thursday, October 4th at 6pm, GGC opens its doors for ‘Science on Tap’ a free community lecture
series organized to provide talks and discussion of scientific work happening in the community. GGC’s Heather Flanagan Steet, PhD,
will talk on ‘The CRISPR Craze: The Ins and Outs of Targeted Gene Editing.’

“CRISPR technology is a powerful tool with enormous implications for correcting gene mutations and providing effective treatments for patients with a variety
of genetic disorders,” said Flanagan-Steet. “There are also ethical considerations that we as a society must also address when we are evaluating the
benefits and concerns with any new technology.”

Flanagan-Steet, who has developed a zebrafish model organism facility at GGC will also discuss CRISPR’s value in animal models that play a key role in
advancing medical research.

Tours of GGC will be available before and after Science on Tap lecture at 5:15pm and 7pm.

Gene Week will conclude on Saturday, October 6th with the 8th annual Race the Helix® 5K race and 1 mile run/walk. Started by a GGC family, Race the Helix has become a statewide event raising $30,000 annually for the GGC Foundation.
Runners and walkers will receive a t-shirt and breakfast. Overall winner and age division awards will be given for the 5K race. Registration for the
5K is $25, and the 1 mile course is free thanks to ‘Walk the Helix’ sponsors, Manley Garvin, and Stockman Oil.

Proceeds from Jammin’ for Genes and Race the Helix directly benefit the Greenwood Genetic Center Foundation which supports the research and educational
programs of the Center as well as provides clinical and diagnostic services for families who are unable to afford them.

“We invite everyone to come out for one or all of our Gene Week events,” shared GGC director, Steve Skinner, MD. “You’ll have a great time, learn more
about what we do, and your support directly benefits the patients and families we serve.”

All events will be held on the Greenwood Genetic Center campus. To purchase Jammin’ for Genes tickets, register for Race the Helix® registration, or find
details about any of the events, click here.

Mayor Welborn Adams has also officially proclaimed September 29-October 6, 2018 as ‘Gene Week’ in Greenwood.

Photo: Members of Lakelands Toros get ready to Race the Helix at last year’s event.

Lucy's Story

When our daughter Lucy had a metabolic crisis at 7 days old, we were shocked and devastated to find out that she was born with a rare genetic disorder (MSUD). Her newborn screening results did not make it back in time to prevent the crisis, and no one at our local hospital was familiar with the disease. They did not know how to treat her. Calls were made to Greenwood Genetic Center to confirm her diagnosis and guide her care. Dr. Champaigne and Ami...

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